Ok. So our appointment yesterday (feels like forever since then) went a little off the course we were expecting. Joe went with me to this appointment because we were supposed to have our last ultrasound. We did the routine stuff..blood pressure..urine sample..the dreaded weigh-in. Then they placed us in our room to wait for the NP. She came in and asked if I had been hurting any and I said a little but it was probably normal or whatever. (I always feel like I overreact so I just tried to play it off.) She wanted to check me so I said OK. She told me I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. This was good news to me! I know, I know. You can be this way for weeks. But for me, just to hear that there is any progress made me hopeful. Well, then she wanted hook me up to the fetal monitor to see if I was having contractions. Sure enough, I was. I didn't know that I was, but she showed them to me on the print out. Needless to say, they sent me across the street for a sleepover at the hospital. Thank the Lord, Joe was with me. Otherwise, I would have freaked out! I freaked out a little anyways. But that's beside the point. So, 3 shots to stop the contractions and 4 bags of fluid later, they released me from the hospital. I am now on modified bed rest. My dad asked me who "modified" it, me or the doctors? Ha. That's daddy for ya. So, I will continue on bed rest until December 28th, when I go to my next appointment.
OH! And they were looking at our "little" Landon on the ultrasound at the hospital...She is guessing he weighs at least 7lbs. She said 7.4 lbs..but I'm just gonna stick with 7 and hope she is guessing too high. Lordy. And I'm measuring a little further along than I actually am, but not by much. When we go on the 28th, I'll have our bags with us. Including my flat iron. My hair was curly and when I got up this morning, it looked like I'd been in a fight with a bengal tiger. I looked like a hot mess. Delivery is not going to be very becoming for me. :) haha..just kidding. I know that'll be the last thing on my mind. But I'm funny about my hair...or the curls at least. :)
I miss my sweet nana so much that it hurts. It's Christmas-time and that's always hard. But I'm also close to having my first child, her first grandchild and she's not here to share that with me. It was one of her greatest wishes. I am the oldest and the only granddaughter and we had such a special relationship. She was one of my very best friends. I miss her always but on the holidays especially. And most especially on Christmas. It has not been the same with her gone. We were kindred spirits and I could tell her anything. I would just go sit by her on the couch and read the paper, or a book, or watch TV. I can still see her sitting there with one leg tucked under, drinking coffee and working crossword puzzles. I can hear her laugh and see her smile. When she died, she left a gaping hole in our family and in my heart. Nothing will ever fill it. Time will only dull the ache, but it can never erase it. I wish Landon could have known her. I wish that she was here with me now. But I know I'll see her again one day and that gives me a certain kind of peace.
Enjoy your family and spend time with them. Love them and treasure them. You never know. And if we don't post again before Christmas, have a blessed and Merry Christmas. And keep praying Landon is a New Years Baby! :) Love you all!
The Sapps
Our Christmas Card
Friday, December 18, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
It's been fun, but...
I have enjoyed being pregnant for the most part. I had a little nausea in the beginning but, other than that, I have felt perfectly fine. Landon is growing, moving, and thriving in my belly and seems to be stretching it out further and further each day! The only thing that has truly gotten to me is putting on weight. I hate that part. I weigh myself everyday and no matter what I do, how I eat, how much I exercise, the numbers keep climbing. I know this is all part of it, but it's my least favorite part. However, I know that I have truly been blessed. I have heard other peoples' stories and I'll take the extra lbs. any day over what some people have been through.
I went to the doctor last Wednesday and told them that Landon's movements had slowed down a great deal in only a day and a half or so. They took my blood pressure and weighed me and then put me on the fetal monitor for 20 minutes. Landon made me out to be a crazy lady because he kicked/moved at least 10-12 times in that 20 minute span. When I went the week before (almost 32 weeks), I was already measuring 32 1/2 weeks. This Wednesday, they didn't take my measurements, as we were all preoccupied with the fetal monitoring. I have my fingers crossed that he's a little further along than what they predicted. I would love for him to come a little earlier than January 20th. I'm already talking to Jesus about that one :) It's just getting to the point where things are uncomfortable. After I get situated, my sleep is still pretty good and restful most nights. Another blessing. My ankles and feet are beginning to swell some and I've had some problems with leg cramps. Other than that, I enjoy feeling Landon moving around. It's amazing to me still. Joe and I watch as belly moves in ripples some nights. It looks so crazy. When I really think about it, I can't believe there's really a growing baby in there, that in less than 7 weeks will be in my arms. I am so looking forward to it. The extra lbs. will all be worth it. Hopefully we will get another ultrasound soon and I will post those images as soon as possible. Sarah and I are planning to take more pictures really soon too. I've changed a lot since the last post. My next appointment is on December 17th. I'll be in touch! :)
The Sapps
I went to the doctor last Wednesday and told them that Landon's movements had slowed down a great deal in only a day and a half or so. They took my blood pressure and weighed me and then put me on the fetal monitor for 20 minutes. Landon made me out to be a crazy lady because he kicked/moved at least 10-12 times in that 20 minute span. When I went the week before (almost 32 weeks), I was already measuring 32 1/2 weeks. This Wednesday, they didn't take my measurements, as we were all preoccupied with the fetal monitoring. I have my fingers crossed that he's a little further along than what they predicted. I would love for him to come a little earlier than January 20th. I'm already talking to Jesus about that one :) It's just getting to the point where things are uncomfortable. After I get situated, my sleep is still pretty good and restful most nights. Another blessing. My ankles and feet are beginning to swell some and I've had some problems with leg cramps. Other than that, I enjoy feeling Landon moving around. It's amazing to me still. Joe and I watch as belly moves in ripples some nights. It looks so crazy. When I really think about it, I can't believe there's really a growing baby in there, that in less than 7 weeks will be in my arms. I am so looking forward to it. The extra lbs. will all be worth it. Hopefully we will get another ultrasound soon and I will post those images as soon as possible. Sarah and I are planning to take more pictures really soon too. I've changed a lot since the last post. My next appointment is on December 17th. I'll be in touch! :)
The Sapps
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Birthday, Glucola, and 9 Weeks left to go...
I celebrated my birthday on the 6th of this month. Oh, who am I kidding? It's still November. I did give Mom her one day though :) Sarah and Clint took me (and Joe) out to Wooden Nickel for dinner. It was soo good. Here are a few pictures from our night:
I also had a doctor's appointment this month. I took my glucose test. Yuck. I had to drink a little dixie cup full of orange liquid called glucola. My sugar was too high on the first test, so I had to go back and take the 3 hour test and drink a whole bottle of the glucola. It made me feel so sick. I never want to drink anything like that again. Thankfully, when I called to check the results on Wednesday, everything came back negative for diabetes. Yay! As far as everything with Landon, I am measuring dead on the week that I am supposed to be. Everyone thinks I am further along than I am. My belly grows on a daily basis, I am almost certain. I am just at the point where sleep is getting a little more difficult and getting comfortable, some nights, is impossible. But I have been so blessed during my pregnancy. Really. I have had few problems and I am thankful for that.
I heard a song on the radio today that I loved. I've heard it several times, but I was really into today for some reason. I am always thinking about how we want to raise Landon to love God and serve Him. I pray for his health and his general well being all the time. But I am already beginning to pray that he will have a heart that seeks after the things of God. Anyway, the chorus of the song is the prayer that I would want to pray over Landon's life. I know that the greatest influence in his life for Christ will be Joe and I. That really hit me today too. Not that I haven't thought about it, but it really sank in today. It was a convicting thought. I am far from where I need to be. But this song was encouraging to me and I just wanted to share it.
"Be strong in the Lord and never give up hope. You're gonna do great things, I already know. God's got His hand on you, so don't live life in fear. Forgive and forget but don't forget why you're here. Take your time and pray. Thank God for each day. His love will find a way. These are the words I would say." - Sidewalk Prophets
I also love this song by Erin O'Donnell.
You're a little piece of heaven
You're a golden ray of light.
and I wish I could protect you
from the worries of this life.
but if there's one thing i could tell you
it's no matter what you do
hold to Jesus, He's holding onto you
The world will try to tell you
that might is more than right
and beauty's on the outside
and being good's a losing fight
but remember what i've told you
'cause the world will make you choose
hold to Jesus, Hes holding onto you
Hold on to Jesus, and cling to his love
rest deep in his mercy, whenever things get rough
and don't lose site of his goodness
and don't ever doubt this truth, that when you hold onto Jesus He's holdin onto you. (Yeaaaa)
Hear me dear Jesus,
rock this little one to sleep
keep [him] close when [he's] scared, and
give [him] grace when [he] is weak.
I know [he'll] stumble, but i know [he'll] make it through
if you hold onto [him] just like you said you'd do
hold [him] Jesus so [he'll] hold on tight to you
Lots of things coming up and we are so excited to meet Landon. 9 weeks and counting...
The Sapps
Saturday, October 31, 2009
I know it's been a while!
I know it has been a while since the last post! What can I say? Life is busy--and I'm always sleepy :)
Landon is an active and growing boy. There is so much activity in my belly. He must be rearranging everything in there to make it more comfortable. We started on his nursery several weeks ago. We had a burst of energy and got a good bit accomplished, but now, it is at a standstill. We still have to apply one more coat of paint and then put everything where it needs to be. I, of course, want this all in place right away. I know it doesn't matter to Landon, but it matters to his mama! I do have some pictures of the work in progress, so I'll post them below. It's amazing how much you can love someone you've never met. I cannot wait to hold Landon in my arms. I feel like there is so much left to do and time is flying on by! We have 12 weeks left. If he is as impatient as I am, maybe fewer :)
Here are a few pictures from the in-progress nursery. Hopefully, I'll be able to post the finished room soon! :)
Landon is an active and growing boy. There is so much activity in my belly. He must be rearranging everything in there to make it more comfortable. We started on his nursery several weeks ago. We had a burst of energy and got a good bit accomplished, but now, it is at a standstill. We still have to apply one more coat of paint and then put everything where it needs to be. I, of course, want this all in place right away. I know it doesn't matter to Landon, but it matters to his mama! I do have some pictures of the work in progress, so I'll post them below. It's amazing how much you can love someone you've never met. I cannot wait to hold Landon in my arms. I feel like there is so much left to do and time is flying on by! We have 12 weeks left. If he is as impatient as I am, maybe fewer :)
Here are a few pictures from the in-progress nursery. Hopefully, I'll be able to post the finished room soon! :)
We painted it a lighter color and put bead board up as chair rail.
And some pictures of me at 27 1/2 weeks. Courtesy of Sarah Ray :)
We went for our 28 week appointment on October 29th and everything looked great. Heartbeat is strong and he is very active. I had to drink that nasty orange liquid so that they could do the diabetes test. I haven't heard anything about the results. But it's only been one business day since they drew the blood. Now, we are moving into the final trimester, and the appointments are every two weeks instead of every four. I have another appointment on November 12th. A small part of me is tempted to ask for the 3D ultrasound...see, I am impatient. I don't think I will, it's just something that is lingering in the back of my mind. That is all the news I have for now. Life is busy and bound to continue in that way! I'll update again soon!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
20 Weeks - It's a BOY!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
It's a ....
We are having a baby Boy! We found out Thursday afternoon and it has been a whirlwind ever since! I will post ultrasound pictures and more over the weekend! Landon Michael Sapp is healthy and everything in the ultrasound looked perfect! We are so excited!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hospitals and Ultrasounds. Long Post :)
Well, I am sitting around the house on this Friday afternoon, resting. To make a long story short, I had a bad virus that left me dehydrated and in the hospital. They gave me several bags of fluids (6 or 7, I lost count), enough to make me float away. I went in early Tuesday morning and came home yesterday around lunch. Now, I am just tired! Thankfully, everything is perfectly fine with me and the baby. Still a strong heartbeat and very active. I've just recently been able to feel it.
In fact, I felt distinct movements from the baby while I was laying in the hospital with nothing to do. Little kicks and punches that usually happen when I am real still. Last night, while I was on the couch, I actually felt the kick as my hand was laying on top of my stomach! What an amazing feeling and a wonderful reminder that life really is growing inside of me. What started out as a bundle of cells is now this tiny human that Joe and I cannot wait to see! Of course, I made Joe feel too, but the baby was being stubborn when I wanted to show Joe. Imagine. Me, having a stubborn child. Hmm :)
Backing up a little...
I went to the doctor on August 6th for my appointment. We did the usual routine stuff and scheduled blood work for the next day. I don't know what possessed me to bring up my weight, but I did. And I got scolded a little bit. It is unnecessary to disclose that information, but I was not a happy camper. In fact, I had no more questions after that. I gained more weight than they would have liked. That's all I could stand to hear. But, I did get an unexpected surprise at the end. They said I could have an ultrasound done that day--didn't have to, but I could. They said they would try to see if we had a girl or a boy growing in there. I was ecstatic! I was on the doctor's heels about to go out the door with her when she turned and said, "Someone will be right back to get you." I was a little over eager :) Anyways, I went and had the ultrasound, secretly hoping they couldn't tell because I was the only one there. I really wanted Joe to be there when they told me. And God must have been listening because Baby Sapp was sleeping away and no attempt to move the little one worked. The heartbeat was strong and sound and all the walking at school that day must have rocked the baby to sleep. So, I got my ultrasound pictures and soared home on Cloud 9. It was so amazing to see the baby again. So much has changed since that first ultrasound. We go again on September 3rd to find out the sex of Baby Sapp! I am sure that I won't be delayed in posting that! I have wanted to know since I found out I was pregnant! :)
Have a blessed day! We will be in touch again soon!
Love, The Sapps
In fact, I felt distinct movements from the baby while I was laying in the hospital with nothing to do. Little kicks and punches that usually happen when I am real still. Last night, while I was on the couch, I actually felt the kick as my hand was laying on top of my stomach! What an amazing feeling and a wonderful reminder that life really is growing inside of me. What started out as a bundle of cells is now this tiny human that Joe and I cannot wait to see! Of course, I made Joe feel too, but the baby was being stubborn when I wanted to show Joe. Imagine. Me, having a stubborn child. Hmm :)
Backing up a little...
I went to the doctor on August 6th for my appointment. We did the usual routine stuff and scheduled blood work for the next day. I don't know what possessed me to bring up my weight, but I did. And I got scolded a little bit. It is unnecessary to disclose that information, but I was not a happy camper. In fact, I had no more questions after that. I gained more weight than they would have liked. That's all I could stand to hear. But, I did get an unexpected surprise at the end. They said I could have an ultrasound done that day--didn't have to, but I could. They said they would try to see if we had a girl or a boy growing in there. I was ecstatic! I was on the doctor's heels about to go out the door with her when she turned and said, "Someone will be right back to get you." I was a little over eager :) Anyways, I went and had the ultrasound, secretly hoping they couldn't tell because I was the only one there. I really wanted Joe to be there when they told me. And God must have been listening because Baby Sapp was sleeping away and no attempt to move the little one worked. The heartbeat was strong and sound and all the walking at school that day must have rocked the baby to sleep. So, I got my ultrasound pictures and soared home on Cloud 9. It was so amazing to see the baby again. So much has changed since that first ultrasound. We go again on September 3rd to find out the sex of Baby Sapp! I am sure that I won't be delayed in posting that! I have wanted to know since I found out I was pregnant! :)
Have a blessed day! We will be in touch again soon!
Love, The Sapps
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
A Few Pictures...
This is one cheesy shot, but it was taken the night we found out I was pregnant. We were so excited! (May 19, 2009)
At nine weeks, I decided I was going to do pictures more by the month than the week, because nothing was really changing from week to week--at least not very noticeably.
That's it for now! Hope it's not too much and that you enjoy!
We'll post more later!
-The Sapps
We'll post more later!
-The Sapps
Saturday, July 18, 2009
13 1/2 weeks and counting... :)
Ok. So, it takes me forever to update this thing. I'm really trying to be better. We have a lot going on these days. My last doctor's appointment was on July 7th. I had to have a physical, a little blood work, and of course they checked the baby's heartbeat. I got a little nervous because it took her longer than I thought necessary to find it. It's so strange. I know there is a baby growing inside of me, but I can't feel it. Yet. So when she was having a little trouble finding the heartbeat, I was worried. But she did find it, thank goodness! 161 beats per minute. Nice and strong. My belly is definitely starting to round out. I have a little bump :) And, despite feeling completely exhausted, everything is progressing very well. I have not been sick really, just a little nausea from time to time. I feel truly blessed to feel as good as I do. We should find out the sex of the baby in September. We can't wait!
Also, school is starting very soon. I have new teacher orientation on July 29th and then pre-planning the rest of that week and two days the next. Then, the kids will arrive. I am so nervous but eager to start working. It's been quite a while! So, a lot of new things coming my way this year. My next appointment is August 6th. Not much else to report at the moment.
Until next time.
The Sapps
Also, school is starting very soon. I have new teacher orientation on July 29th and then pre-planning the rest of that week and two days the next. Then, the kids will arrive. I am so nervous but eager to start working. It's been quite a while! So, a lot of new things coming my way this year. My next appointment is August 6th. Not much else to report at the moment.
Until next time.
The Sapps
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Words of Encouragement, Something to Think About...
"The Lord has done great things for us and our hearts are filled with joy." Psalm 126:3
You only get just one time around
You only get one shot at this
One chance, to find out
The one thing that you don't wanna miss
One day when it's all said and done
I hope you see that it was enough, this
One ride, one try, one life...
To love....
You only get one shot at this
One chance, to find out
The one thing that you don't wanna miss
One day when it's all said and done
I hope you see that it was enough, this
One ride, one try, one life...
To love....
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Three's Company
After waiting for what feels like forever, we finally have a new family member on the way I have prayed for this day so often that it is truly hard to believe it has finally arrived. Joe and I went to our first pre-natal doctor's appointment today. All reports were great! The baby is 1.4 cm long, with a healthy heartbeat of 160 bpm. I am officially 8 weeks as of Wednesday, June 10. My due date is January 20, 2010. Hearing his/her heartbeat for the first time today was an amazing and wonderful experience. I am in awe of the creation of life right inside of me! We are officially excited! :) We just pray now that God continues to watch over us and for the continued health of Baby S. What a blessing! Yay!

(This is one of the ultrasound pictures. Along the bottom shows how fast his/her heart is beating. I got a little teary eyed when I heard it for the first time. Simply Amazing.)
(This was my favorite picture from the ultrasound. I can make out his/her little body and I just melt.)
This has been a truly blessed day. We have been given one of God's greatest gifts. We cannot wait to meet him/her. We still have several weeks to go (around 32 to be exact) but we are beyond excited!
Thanks for all of your support. We'll keep you posted!
Love, The Sapps

This has been a truly blessed day. We have been given one of God's greatest gifts. We cannot wait to meet him/her. We still have several weeks to go (around 32 to be exact) but we are beyond excited!
Thanks for all of your support. We'll keep you posted!
Love, The Sapps
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I gave Joe a Weimaraner almost 4 years ago for Christmas. (It was the same Christmas we got engaged and definitely one of the best.) Joe named him Luda and we absolutely love him. He is a wonderfully goofy, loyal, clumsy, very large dog. I adopted a Labrador/Bulldog mix from the Humane Society in Moultrie in the summer of '07. Her name is Lady. Or Lady Bell. Or actually, now, I just call her Bella. She was a bit like "Marley" (from Marley and Me). Destructive, hyper, impossible. But she has grown into the best dog. I just wanted to introduce the rest of our little family. Now, we would love to have another Weim. They really are the greatest dogs.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Ghost Town, Being Happy Where You Are, and Working on Anger
"We just get the one life, you know. Just one. You can't live someone else's or think it's more important just because it's more dramatic. What happens matters. May be only to us, but it matters."
This quote was taken from the movie Ghost Town and I love it. So often our concerns are trivialized because we have this mindset that someone else has hurt more, been through more, or even accomplished more. While it is almost always true, our own lives and concerns should not be discarded as mediocre in comparison to someone else's. As humans, I believe that we need to know that our pain or joy is important to others without it being compared to others. I am so guilty of looking at what I don't have and what others do have. It is a constant challenge for me to just be myself, to take what I have and be satisfied. In a sermon I heard once, he said "be happy where you are." Don't misunderstand. I feel incredibly blessed. I love my family, I love my husband and the life we have built and are continuing to build, I have my faith. But there is always this internal battle that I fight with myself to be satisfied. I want to be the person who says God's grace is sufficient. Yet, it feels like I fall into the rhythm of the world so easily; entangled by the standards defined by the world, not by Christ.
Joe and I began reading through and completing the dares in the book The Love Dare. We started only a couple of days ago, but I see so many issues within myself. It is so easy to blame someone else for the way we feel or act. One of the things that the book talked about that really stepped on my toes was anger. One question asked "Do you find that anger is your emotional default when treated unfairly?" If I am honest, the answer to that question is yes. Lately, I do get angry a lot more than I used. I usually have an excuse for why. But what I am beginning to understand is that anger is an easy reaction because patience takes a lot of self control. It is so much easier to be angry. But anger eats away at spirit, as well as moments in life that we'll never get back.
"He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding; but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly." Proverbs 14:29
"Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God." James 1:19
With that in mind, I hope to continue running the race, gaining patience, losing anger, and learning how to be a better servant of Christ and a better wife.
"Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God." James 1:19
Friday, March 27, 2009
It's almost April...
Spring is definitely in the air. My students at school feel it and so do I! It has been a whirlwind since going back to Cook Middle in January. It has been an experience that has gone from one extreme to the other and back again. Some kids have won my heart, others have tested my patience. I never knew the extent of self control and filtered speaking until I stepped in the classroom. There are days I question my decision to become a teacher and days where I can't imagine being anywhere else. I think this is a common way to feel. At least, I hope so.
I am looking forward to a break. I have countless projects, inside and outside of my house. I want to paint, to plant, to decorate, to organize, to clean up and to clean out. I look forward to summer! I look forward to being around my family and seeing my husband on a regular basis for more than just a few minutes in between tasks. I can't believe how time flies. It seems like student teaching just started. I only have 2 weeks left to solo teach. I have learned so much. Now, I just need to learn to relax. As mentioned last time, I like a certain amount of control. I never knew how much it bothered me to be out of control until I stepped into a classroom with 28 twelve and thirteen year old students. Chaos makes me crazy!
This is going on a whole other tangent but I was standing at the kitchen sink this afternoon and a hummingbird came to my new feeder. I was so excited! I just put it out a couple of weekends ago. I tried to get a picture, but no luck. As soon as the door opened, the hummingbird was gone. Who knows when I'll post again. I never seem to find the time. Or I just can't find the words.
Oh, and Joe got a motorcyle. I was freaked out at first, but now I really like it.
I am looking forward to a break. I have countless projects, inside and outside of my house. I want to paint, to plant, to decorate, to organize, to clean up and to clean out. I look forward to summer! I look forward to being around my family and seeing my husband on a regular basis for more than just a few minutes in between tasks. I can't believe how time flies. It seems like student teaching just started. I only have 2 weeks left to solo teach. I have learned so much. Now, I just need to learn to relax. As mentioned last time, I like a certain amount of control. I never knew how much it bothered me to be out of control until I stepped into a classroom with 28 twelve and thirteen year old students. Chaos makes me crazy!
This is going on a whole other tangent but I was standing at the kitchen sink this afternoon and a hummingbird came to my new feeder. I was so excited! I just put it out a couple of weekends ago. I tried to get a picture, but no luck. As soon as the door opened, the hummingbird was gone. Who knows when I'll post again. I never seem to find the time. Or I just can't find the words.
Oh, and Joe got a motorcyle. I was freaked out at first, but now I really like it.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Lost, State Farm Commercial, I'm there.
Have you ever just felt lost? No choice seems obvious, no direction clear. Well, I'm there. I feel like that State Farm commercial that gives a scenario and then the person standing on the red dot says, "I'm there." There is a huge red dot beneath my feet. My whole life, I have lived for what's next. Let me explain. When I was say, 14, I lived to turn 15 so I could get my learner's permit. Well, that finally rolled around and guess what? 15 wasn't good enough, I wanted to be 16. And it continues. The usual milestones. Well, I am there again. College graduation. Perhaps the most frightening obstacle I have encountered thus far. School has been my life since kindergarten, planned out from January to December. Now what? Of course, I know that everything will work out. I'll look for a job and pray for the best. It's just the idea that beyond May 9th, there is no plan. I am a little OCD when it comes to having a plan. Not so much when it's little things like what I'm doing for the weekend or something so trivial. But big plans... like what to do after May 9th. I always have a plan...and then a back up plan..just in case. I guess you could I say I like a certain amount of control. This is an area that I have got to learn to give to God. Really. It is probably the number one reason my relationship with God suffers so much. I freak out when I can't be in control. Riding in a car when I am not driving, freaks me out. To most, I may not be the best driver, but it isn't about that. It's about me being in control of me. God has a hard time dealing with people like me. He knows what's best for me, but I feel like I do too. There is a Casting Crowns song the adquately describes where I'm at. It's that place where you lay something down at the altar, and before you leave the sanctuary, what you thought you left behind, is clinging to your back. I'm there.
Jesus I'm trying so hard
to stop trying so hard
Just let you be who you are
Lord who You are in me, Oh Lord I...
like so many times before
but my eyes are dry before I leave the floor
Oh Lord I try...(I'll try)
but this time Jesus how can I be sure
I would not lose my follow through
between the altar and the door.
--Casting Crowns
Jesus I'm trying so hard
to stop trying so hard
Just let you be who you are
Lord who You are in me, Oh Lord I...
like so many times before
but my eyes are dry before I leave the floor
Oh Lord I try...(I'll try)
but this time Jesus how can I be sure
I would not lose my follow through
between the altar and the door.
--Casting Crowns
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Happy New Year
The holidays were incredibly busy. Lots of food, lots of time with family, and lots of running to make sure we were able to see everyone. I got a Canon Rebel XSI and have taken a ton of pictures. I will put them up soon. Joe and I are doing well and looking forward to the year ahead. I start student teaching at Cook Middle on January 12th. I am excited and nervous and shocked that this is my final semester. I am relieved and a bit "lost." School has been my "career" since kindergarten and to know that it is winding down is almost surreal. I hope to have a real impact on the lives of the students in my classroom this upcoming semester. I had a four week apprenticeship in October that allowed me to get to know the teacher and students I will be working with beginning on Monday. I have already learned that teaching can be a heartbreaking job. So many lives are in your hands, but not all of them can be reached. They tell us that--over and over. It is one of the hardest things for me to understand. I have to learn to compartmentalize--something I have never been good at. I have always wanted to change the world--as corny as that sounds. It is one of the reasons I chose to become a teacher. I want to inspire students. I want to help turn indifference into interest and ignorance into awareness. I want students to understand that they really do have the power to make a difference. Everyday.
Two of my favorite quotes are below:
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
William Arthur Ward
“I've come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It's my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized.”
Dr. Ginott
So, here's to a new year where much is bound to change. I am excited to see what God has in store for our family.
Two of my favorite quotes are below:
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
William Arthur Ward
“I've come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It's my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized.”
Dr. Ginott
So, here's to a new year where much is bound to change. I am excited to see what God has in store for our family.
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