Ok. So, it takes me forever to update this thing. I'm really trying to be better. We have a lot going on these days. My last doctor's appointment was on July 7th. I had to have a physical, a little blood work, and of course they checked the baby's heartbeat. I got a little nervous because it took her longer than I thought necessary to find it. It's so strange. I know there is a baby growing inside of me, but I can't feel it. Yet. So when she was having a little trouble finding the heartbeat, I was worried. But she did find it, thank goodness! 161 beats per minute. Nice and strong. My belly is definitely starting to round out. I have a little bump :) And, despite feeling completely exhausted, everything is progressing very well. I have not been sick really, just a little nausea from time to time. I feel truly blessed to feel as good as I do. We should find out the sex of the baby in September. We can't wait!
Also, school is starting very soon. I have new teacher orientation on July 29th and then pre-planning the rest of that week and two days the next. Then, the kids will arrive. I am so nervous but eager to start working. It's been quite a while! So, a lot of new things coming my way this year. My next appointment is August 6th. Not much else to report at the moment.
Until next time.
The Sapps