WoW! It's been a while since I last updated this blog. What can I say? Life is back in full swing, and the days of summer passed all too quickly. Landon is now a whopping 21 pounds and measures in at 29.5 inches long. He is just before walking and it is something new with him every day. We took a trip to Ellijay a few weeks ago with my parents and my brother and his wife. We had so much fun.
He's pointing, he's pulling up, he's feeding himself(somewhat), he's doing more than I can ever write about. I'll post more soon!
Our Christmas Card
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
6 months old - full of life, laughter, and tons of energy!
Landon is on the move - almost! He is up on hands and knees and just a rockin'. He goes down when he tries to move forward, but he keeps at it. It won't be a long and we'll be parents to a "crawler" AKA...a child who gets into everything! He does that already but it's about to get interesting :) He's an expert at traveling in reverse or "leaping" forward which is funny to watch.
We went to the pediatrician today and more shots awaited us. The good news is, no more shots for a little while. We don't go back until he's 9 months old, which will be when I blink my eyes. My whole life, I remember people saying how fast time flies by and frankly, I never understood it. Days would drag on forever and years, well, they took an eternity. I can finally say with great sadness that I now understand how fast time flies. I feel like I blinked once and now I am looking into the eyes of a 6 month old baby boy who was just a tiny guy that slept constantly and snuggled deep into my arms. I even worried about him a little. Rest assured his energy level is at top notch and we are doing fantastic to work in two long naps a day. He is always on the move. He is a ball of energy - very rough and tumble. He is measuring 27 inches long and weighing in at 16 lbs. 12 oz. He has not gained much weight since our last visit and she told me to up his solids, which is fine by me. We have moved on to stage 2 foods.
He now has five teeth -- 3 on top and 2 on bottom. I fear that we are about to enter another teething stage, as the gums on the bottom are starting to swell just a bit.
Landon loves swimming and I try to take him as often as I can. As the summer has gone on, he is staying in and playing for longer stretches of time. For those of you experiencing this South GA heat wave, you can understand that this is the only time we are outside for any length of time. He loves his Jumperoo at home and Exersaucer at his Nana's. He loves being on the floor and playing with his toys and perfecting his crawling skills. He is our heartbeat - even if he does scream at night when it's time to go to bed. He's so nosy - I mean interested - in what's going on around him that he finds it hard to settle down.
We are going to church regularly and enjoy our time spent in fellowship and worship. We have finally found a church home - we are finally settled. I always want Landon to know how important it is to have a relationship with Christ and I know the most effective way to demonstrate that is to live it. If Christ is important to Joe and I, and we live in a way that reflects it, it will only encourage Landon to do the same. We joke all the time that Landon is going to be a preacher because he so avidly watches our pastor. I told the pastor that he has the energy and the loudness to fit right in with the Pentecostal preachers :) He agrees. It may be strange to say, and you all may think I'm crazy, but he seems to enjoy church. He loves the music and like I said, he watches the pastor and listens to him.
He is a blessing to us. I get frustrated with him from time to time but what Mama doesn't? We are loving life, loving our Jesus, and holding on for dear life. :) It's all going by so fast but we are enjoying every moment.
"It happens in a blink - it happens in a flash - it happens in the time it took to look back - I try to hold on tight - but there's no stopping time - what is it I've done with my life?" Revive - Blink
Blessed coming and going,
Joe, Krystle and Landon Bug ;)
We went to the pediatrician today and more shots awaited us. The good news is, no more shots for a little while. We don't go back until he's 9 months old, which will be when I blink my eyes. My whole life, I remember people saying how fast time flies by and frankly, I never understood it. Days would drag on forever and years, well, they took an eternity. I can finally say with great sadness that I now understand how fast time flies. I feel like I blinked once and now I am looking into the eyes of a 6 month old baby boy who was just a tiny guy that slept constantly and snuggled deep into my arms. I even worried about him a little. Rest assured his energy level is at top notch and we are doing fantastic to work in two long naps a day. He is always on the move. He is a ball of energy - very rough and tumble. He is measuring 27 inches long and weighing in at 16 lbs. 12 oz. He has not gained much weight since our last visit and she told me to up his solids, which is fine by me. We have moved on to stage 2 foods.
He now has five teeth -- 3 on top and 2 on bottom. I fear that we are about to enter another teething stage, as the gums on the bottom are starting to swell just a bit.
Landon loves swimming and I try to take him as often as I can. As the summer has gone on, he is staying in and playing for longer stretches of time. For those of you experiencing this South GA heat wave, you can understand that this is the only time we are outside for any length of time. He loves his Jumperoo at home and Exersaucer at his Nana's. He loves being on the floor and playing with his toys and perfecting his crawling skills. He is our heartbeat - even if he does scream at night when it's time to go to bed. He's so nosy - I mean interested - in what's going on around him that he finds it hard to settle down.
We are going to church regularly and enjoy our time spent in fellowship and worship. We have finally found a church home - we are finally settled. I always want Landon to know how important it is to have a relationship with Christ and I know the most effective way to demonstrate that is to live it. If Christ is important to Joe and I, and we live in a way that reflects it, it will only encourage Landon to do the same. We joke all the time that Landon is going to be a preacher because he so avidly watches our pastor. I told the pastor that he has the energy and the loudness to fit right in with the Pentecostal preachers :) He agrees. It may be strange to say, and you all may think I'm crazy, but he seems to enjoy church. He loves the music and like I said, he watches the pastor and listens to him.
He is a blessing to us. I get frustrated with him from time to time but what Mama doesn't? We are loving life, loving our Jesus, and holding on for dear life. :) It's all going by so fast but we are enjoying every moment.
"It happens in a blink - it happens in a flash - it happens in the time it took to look back - I try to hold on tight - but there's no stopping time - what is it I've done with my life?" Revive - Blink
Blessed coming and going,
Joe, Krystle and Landon Bug ;)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sweet Summertime
As of tomorrow, I will officially be a mom to a 6 month old. Wow! Half a year has flown by!
An update on where Landon is at right now. He is now working on cutting the top two front teeth. He won't let me look, but he will stick my finger in his mouth and bite down, so trust me, they are coming through. We have conquered carrots, butternut squash and sweet potatoes but try and feed him green beans or sweet peas and well, he just wrinkles his face up and tightens his lips. Smart boy :) Kidding. I do wish he would eat the green beans and sweet peas, but I can understand his dislike for them. Rice cereal was not his favorite. We switched to oatmeal and that seems to appease him a bit.
I have enjoyed being home with Landon this summer and am sad to see it going by so quickly. We have been so relaxed that it's going to be hard to get back into a routine. Anyone who knows me knows that schedules don't really work at our house. Not strict ones anyway. We are very laid back. And always on the move. And Landon is a super happy, easy to get along with baby. Just have his bottle on time and life is beautiful :) The best advice I got from anyone was to do what works for us as a family. Even if it isn't what everyone else is doing. It seems easy enough advice to take. But the reality is that I struggle with being a comparison mom. I look at other moms and think if they aren't doing things how I do them or vice versa, then something must be wrong - with me. But over time..I have learned to relax and just enjoy this time. To quit looking at everyone else and focus on us, my sweet little family of three.
Love, The Sapps
An update on where Landon is at right now. He is now working on cutting the top two front teeth. He won't let me look, but he will stick my finger in his mouth and bite down, so trust me, they are coming through. We have conquered carrots, butternut squash and sweet potatoes but try and feed him green beans or sweet peas and well, he just wrinkles his face up and tightens his lips. Smart boy :) Kidding. I do wish he would eat the green beans and sweet peas, but I can understand his dislike for them. Rice cereal was not his favorite. We switched to oatmeal and that seems to appease him a bit.
Yesterday when I was laying on the floor playing with Landon, he got in a true crawling position - belly off the floor! I was so proud. :) He hasn't done it again, but I'm sure my days of chasing him around the house are just around the corner.
Teething has not been our favorite venture as Landon is restless at night and quite miserable. It's only been for a few nights but still, we are all worn out from it. He seemed much more at ease yesterday and I'm proud to report that this morning was even better. Soon he'll have his two front teeth and then more will begin to make their way. According to my What To Expect the First Year book, Landon has reached all of his milestones for month 5 (even the "mights" and "mays"), and is well on his way to meeting his milestones for month 6. We go to the pediatrician on July 23 and we have more shots (which I dread).
I have enjoyed being home with Landon this summer and am sad to see it going by so quickly. We have been so relaxed that it's going to be hard to get back into a routine. Anyone who knows me knows that schedules don't really work at our house. Not strict ones anyway. We are very laid back. And always on the move. And Landon is a super happy, easy to get along with baby. Just have his bottle on time and life is beautiful :) The best advice I got from anyone was to do what works for us as a family. Even if it isn't what everyone else is doing. It seems easy enough advice to take. But the reality is that I struggle with being a comparison mom. I look at other moms and think if they aren't doing things how I do them or vice versa, then something must be wrong - with me. But over time..I have learned to relax and just enjoy this time. To quit looking at everyone else and focus on us, my sweet little family of three.
Love, The Sapps
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
4 months have flown by!
I know, I know. It's been forever. I do apologize! As I'm sure you've guessed, Landon is growing up so fast! On May 13, he turned 4 months old. He is eating a 6 oz. bottle in the morning and 5 oz. bottles during the day. He still is eating every 3 hours. The pediatrician gave the go ahead to start him on rice cereal yesterday. I'll have to post the video of him eating from a spoon. Too funny :) Anyway, he weighs 15 lb. 11 oz. and is 25.5 inches long. He is in the 75th percentile for both height and weight. He has his first two teeth on the bottom, which he cut at 3.5 months. He is already trying to scoot and if you hold his hands, he'll pull himself up. When you lay him back, he tries to sit up by himself. He's almost there. Almost. What a wonderful blessing it is to be a mama. Joe and I love being parents. Joe made Landon laugh one of his first true laughs the other night and we were as overjoyed as we've ever been. To watch our little boy grow and change is such an amazing thing. He is wanting to be held a lot less and loves to just play on his floor mat, or play in his new Jumperoo (which is pretty awesome). He is still sleeping through the night, and he will sleep in on weekends. I'm not sure if this will last forever, but I am sure going to enjoy it now. He had his first pool experience a couple of weeks ago by accident. We went over to see Susan and the water was much warmer than I expected. We had no swimsuit but I was just itching to get him in the water. Susan let me borrow a swimsuit and Landon, well, he was in the buff. Haha. But he loved it! And I am so thrilled because I love to go to the pool! We went last Sunday to take another dip in the pool. Here are some pictures of Landon in his new float:
I have a video of him in the pool too if I can figure out how to get it on here.
School is winding down, praise the Lord and I am so looking forward to summer. I just can't believe how fast time flown by. I hope to add some pictures soon.
Love, The Sapps
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
10 weeks and growing!
I started back to work on March 10 and even though that morning was the toughest morning ever, it hasn't been too terrible since. I did cry that whole morning. Dressing him, feeding him, buckling him in and watching him leave was not easy; however, having Joe take him to his granny's is easier than me leaving him there. Strange, maybe. But I just do what works. And that has worked for us.
Landon went to the pediatrician yesterday and had his first shots. Before I go into that, I'll give you his baby stats for Month 2. He weighs a whopping 13 lbs. 2 oz. and is measuring 24" long! He is a growing boy :) He is eating 4 oz. every 3 hours and takes a 5 oz. bottle in the morning. He does sleep at night from around 11 til 6:45 am (and I usually have to wake him up). On the weekends, he sleeps in til around 8 or even 9 some mornings. At this point, I would say, his sleeping habits are modeled after mine :) I love my sleep and he does too! In the beginning, my stress level was through the roof, worrying about schedules and everything being just so. I took some advice from my mama and my good friend Jodi and I just did what worked for us :) We've been happy and stress free ever since.
Now, back to the shots. Our little guy is a champ! Yes, he cried because of course the shots hurt. But it only took him a few moments to calm back down and then he was off to dreamland. Last night was a little rough. He screamed for close to an hour, off and on. But finally, he took his bottle and went on to sleep on my chest. Daddy came and put him in his bed and I promptly went off to sleep. Landon woke up just as happy as usual this morning, thanks to several hours of sleep, baby Tylenol, and a few prayers. :) I love being a mama and Joe is the best dad. We are enjoying every second of our time with Landon and can't believe how fast time truly does fly. I remember being little and hearing people say that. As a kid, time doesn't feel like it's flying at all. Especially when you become a teenager and are looking forward to the milestones of driving, turning 18, college, etc., it seems like it can't go by fast enough. But now that I am on the other side of it, watching our baby grow and change everyday, I am wishing that time would slow just a little. I now understand that "in the blink of an eye," he'll be all grown up. I'm so thankful for my sweet family of three. We'll keep in touch!
Love you all!
Joe, Krystle and Landon :)
Just a side note: We finished up Because of Winn-Dixie and are now reading Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh. I used to watch the movie but this is the first time I've read the book. We still read Dr. Seuss when it's time for playing or before naps. I love to read and I hope he will love it too.
Landon went to the pediatrician yesterday and had his first shots. Before I go into that, I'll give you his baby stats for Month 2. He weighs a whopping 13 lbs. 2 oz. and is measuring 24" long! He is a growing boy :) He is eating 4 oz. every 3 hours and takes a 5 oz. bottle in the morning. He does sleep at night from around 11 til 6:45 am (and I usually have to wake him up). On the weekends, he sleeps in til around 8 or even 9 some mornings. At this point, I would say, his sleeping habits are modeled after mine :) I love my sleep and he does too! In the beginning, my stress level was through the roof, worrying about schedules and everything being just so. I took some advice from my mama and my good friend Jodi and I just did what worked for us :) We've been happy and stress free ever since.
Now, back to the shots. Our little guy is a champ! Yes, he cried because of course the shots hurt. But it only took him a few moments to calm back down and then he was off to dreamland. Last night was a little rough. He screamed for close to an hour, off and on. But finally, he took his bottle and went on to sleep on my chest. Daddy came and put him in his bed and I promptly went off to sleep. Landon woke up just as happy as usual this morning, thanks to several hours of sleep, baby Tylenol, and a few prayers. :) I love being a mama and Joe is the best dad. We are enjoying every second of our time with Landon and can't believe how fast time truly does fly. I remember being little and hearing people say that. As a kid, time doesn't feel like it's flying at all. Especially when you become a teenager and are looking forward to the milestones of driving, turning 18, college, etc., it seems like it can't go by fast enough. But now that I am on the other side of it, watching our baby grow and change everyday, I am wishing that time would slow just a little. I now understand that "in the blink of an eye," he'll be all grown up. I'm so thankful for my sweet family of three. We'll keep in touch!
Love you all!
Joe, Krystle and Landon :)
Just a side note: We finished up Because of Winn-Dixie and are now reading Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh. I used to watch the movie but this is the first time I've read the book. We still read Dr. Seuss when it's time for playing or before naps. I love to read and I hope he will love it too.
Monday, March 1, 2010
What a wonderful world...
So, a few things have happened since I last posted. First of all, my "little" boy is a whopping 11 lbs. 2 oz. and 23 inches long! Wow! He is eating every 3.5 - 4 hours, 4 oz. at the time (most of the time). He went on his first "road trip" in February. Mama, Brittany, Landon and myself, traveled down to Palm Coast to see my Aunt Bootsie. She just loved Landon and I was so glad we were able to make the trip. Landon is quite the passenger! He sleeps most of the time :) He only wakes up when he's hungry. On the way down, he ate right before we left and as soon as we walking in the door at Bootsie's. On the way, we stopped and ate lunch at Cracker Barrel and fed him there (his formula of course :) Traveling with a baby is a whole other experience..haha. Who knew you needed so much stuff? But he really did great. Slept in his pack n play all night the second night. The first night, he ended up sleeping with me and Aunt Brittany because I was tired and gave up trying to coax him down for the night. He cuddled up right next to me and fell fast asleep. We had a great weekend with Aunt Bootsie and look forward to going back again soon. In the meantime, Joe missed his little man (not sure about missing me) and was glad when we got home on Sunday afternoon.
The pediatrician said Landon is right on track with his weight and height. The only issue we had this month is that his umbilical cord is still hanging on for dear life. Yuck. So, when we went to see the doctor and told her about it, she cauterized it and said it should fall off any time and if not, we should come back. As of today, we still have the umbilical cord, but it is so close to coming off, that I'm going to wait another day or two to call.
He makes lots of noises when he's eating, like it's the best meal in the world. He cries through his last bottle of the evening and the one place that always soothes him is his changing table. He has rarely ever cried or whimpered while on his comfy changing table. Babies are funny little people. He refuses to sleep on his back in his crib; however, he'll sleep on his back propped up in our bed. He tries to suck his thumb, but usually ends up with his fist in his mouth. He takes his last bottle around 10 in the evening and is usually sleeping by 11. He sleeps in his crib, in his room, until around 6 the next morning. We think that's pretty awesome :) And when he wakes up in the mornings, he is a super happy baby. He has a bottle and then burrows down beside me to take his morning nap. I'm going to miss that for sure! He is starting to smile in response to our voice or facial expressions. We read Dr. Seuss books before naptime. At night, before bed, we read one Bible story. Then we pick up with Because of Winn Dixie to send him off to dreamland. We just think he's the most wonderful blessing and we love being a family of three!
This post is a bit random, but hey, at least it's up to date :)
A few pictures before we go..

The pediatrician said Landon is right on track with his weight and height. The only issue we had this month is that his umbilical cord is still hanging on for dear life. Yuck. So, when we went to see the doctor and told her about it, she cauterized it and said it should fall off any time and if not, we should come back. As of today, we still have the umbilical cord, but it is so close to coming off, that I'm going to wait another day or two to call.
He makes lots of noises when he's eating, like it's the best meal in the world. He cries through his last bottle of the evening and the one place that always soothes him is his changing table. He has rarely ever cried or whimpered while on his comfy changing table. Babies are funny little people. He refuses to sleep on his back in his crib; however, he'll sleep on his back propped up in our bed. He tries to suck his thumb, but usually ends up with his fist in his mouth. He takes his last bottle around 10 in the evening and is usually sleeping by 11. He sleeps in his crib, in his room, until around 6 the next morning. We think that's pretty awesome :) And when he wakes up in the mornings, he is a super happy baby. He has a bottle and then burrows down beside me to take his morning nap. I'm going to miss that for sure! He is starting to smile in response to our voice or facial expressions. We read Dr. Seuss books before naptime. At night, before bed, we read one Bible story. Then we pick up with Because of Winn Dixie to send him off to dreamland. We just think he's the most wonderful blessing and we love being a family of three!
This post is a bit random, but hey, at least it's up to date :)
A few pictures before we go..
Leaving Aunt Bootsie's--Landon is getting a little cranky.
Love my Bootsie :) We had fun.
Napping in Mama and Daddy's bed. Love those morning naps! :)
This is how a lot of our evenings go - fussy Landon goes to sleep on Daddy and sometimes Daddy sleeps too! :) And me, well, I run and get the camera!
My favorite picture from February! He acts just like his mama! haha :) That is definitely a look I would give.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Finally, an update.
Wow! Being a mom sure does change a lot of things. Like sleeping, showering, eating :) Ah, but I love it. I can't believe how much he is changing and growing and it is just so bittersweet. I love this time with him and am seriously dreading going back to work. He is eating every 3-4 hours and 4 oz. at a time. I would guess he weighs around 9 lbs. now. We go back to the pediatrician on February 22nd. He is doing great on the new formula, with minimal spitting up. I think he only ever spits up because he tries to eat like someone is gonna snatch it from him if he doesn't down it in 5 minutes or less. He's a silly boy. His daddy is in love for sure. We love being a family of three and barely remember what it was like just being the two of us. I pray for Landon's continued health and my continued weight loss. :) I'm back within 10 lbs. of what I weighed before I got pregnant. Like I said, eating is sometimes hard to do. I'm usually so tired that I don't care and we all know that's not like me at all! :)
Our family photographer, Sarah, came over on Sunday and took some pictures of Landon. I've attached the album below. **Note: I was not really planning on being in the pictures, so pardon the ratty I Love NY shirt and the sweats. :) I did get a shower this day and straightened my hair! A true accomplishment these days..haha.
Oh! And Clint and Sarah came by yesterday to bring Landon a present. I thought it was awesome. Here it is:
Our family photographer, Sarah, came over on Sunday and took some pictures of Landon. I've attached the album below. **Note: I was not really planning on being in the pictures, so pardon the ratty I Love NY shirt and the sweats. :) I did get a shower this day and straightened my hair! A true accomplishment these days..haha.
Oh! And Clint and Sarah came by yesterday to bring Landon a present. I thought it was awesome. Here it is:
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Landon went back to the pediatrician Monday, January 25th. When we left the hospital he weighed 7lbs. 12 oz. At almost 2 weeks old, he now weighs 8 lbs. 12 oz. He no longer has any sign of jaundice and is already holding his head up and trying to turn over when put down on his tummy. I'm terrible because I cannot for the life of me remember his length except that he hasn't reached 22 inches long yet. We did have to change his formula to a soy based one and hope that it is easier on his stomach. I continue to be in awe of him and just spend a lot of time staring at this miracle that God has blessed our family with. A perfect blend of Joe and I and such a sweet little man. I still can't believe that he's here. I'll have more pictures soon. I know it has taken a while to post on here, but Landon has days/nights confused still, so I sleep when he does usually.
Love you all!
Krystle, Joe, and Landon :)
Love you all!
Krystle, Joe, and Landon :)
Landon Michael Sapp is here :)
Hey guys! What I had hoped would be a routine birth turned out to be anything but. When I have more time, I'll go into more details. I'm sure most of you know the story anyway. We put in a hard day of labor but ended up having to have an emergency c-section. I am still recovering from that of course and will be for the next several days. Landon Michael finally arrived on the scene January 13, 2010 at 10:41 p.m. Because he was a c-section baby, Daddy went with him to the nursery and introduced him to the family while I was being stapled back up and taken to recovery. The sweetest sound that has ever tickled my ears was the sound of my baby crying after being pulled from my stomach in the OR. I was so relieved that he was finally here and ok. I was able to kiss him on the forehead before he was taken away. I didn't get to see him again until 2 am. Landon weighed 8 lbs. 2 ozs. and measured a whopping 21 inches long. He is certainly the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. What an amazing change that takes place in your heart. I knew I was going to love him, but not like this. And Joe is the most amazing Daddy and husband. He's been wonderful with Landon and patient with me. Recovery, so far, has not been a cup of tea. But Joe has made it more than bearable. We have had so many people call, visit and offer to help that I just feel overwhelmed (in the best way possible). I know this is scattered, but give me some credit. It's 5 am and Landon and I do not have our days and nights in order just yet. I mainly wanted to post to show you some pictures of our angel.
Love all of us!
Love all of us!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Super Quick Update (before school)
I have had two doctor's appointments this week to check for any change/progress. Nothing has changed really. I am now between 1 and 2 cm, still 50% effaced (thinned). So, we have a room at the "inn", as my NP calls it, on Wednesday, January 13th. Or in my little brain, Tuesday night at midnight :) Tuesday sounds better! I don't know any details past that for the inducement, but I am going to call today. 6 days or less and this journey will come to an end. It really has been wonderful..right up to about 2 weeks ago when I hit the "miserable" stage. But honestly, I have been blessed with a healthy pregnancy and as far as we can tell at this point, a healthy baby. I will be back in touch soon with more details. Just wanted to let you all know where we stand at this point!
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